On the 12th of April the MUFPP Secretariat, along with the African Steering Committee cities Antananarivo and Ouagadougou as well as EAT Foundation, a science-based global platform for food system transformation, held the Regional Webinar in Africa.
The webinar served as an opportunity for African city officers to get a closer look to the recently launched Milan Pact Awards call among other things.
This webinar was structured as follows: a brief introduction on the state of the Pact in Africa, a detailed presentation of the 6th edition of the Milan Pact Awards, the EAT-Lancet Commission Brief for African Cities, ending with Addis Ababa’s School Feeding Program (SFP).
With 37 signatory cities and 57 practices submitted and with one of the strongest involvement, the African continent has proven to be a very proactive region within the network.
The 2022 edition of the Milan Pact Awards, a joint initiative promoted by the City of Milan and Fondazione Cariplo open to all signatory cities, this year offers the chance to the 6 winning cities to participate in the MPA Retreat, a three-day fully covered mission in Milan during 2023. The MPA Retreat will be the trigger for the development of the MUFPP Fellowship Programme.
The EAT-Lancet Commission Brief for African Cities moves from the 2019 EAT-Lancet Commission on Food, Planet, Health which brought together 37 world-leading scientists from across the globe to answer one question: Can we feed a future population of 10 billion people a healthy diet within planetary boundaries?
This brief describes how the Commission’s report applies in the urban African context and includes sample “planetary health diet” menus and recipes reflective of regional cuisines.
Urban food systems in Africa must be shaped to provide the emerging generation with the best opportunities for good nutrition, food security, and a safe environmental future, while celebrating and elevating the diverse and rich culinary history of the continent.
At the end, Addis Ababa’s School Feeding Program (SFP) was presented as a globally recognised outlet that reaches children alleviating hunger during school hours that aims at boosting enrolment and reducing absenteeism. The Program has overall improved school menus including various food groups that make up a healthier and more balanced diet.