The 5th MUFPP Regional Forum in Africa

The Milan Urban Food Policy Pact launches the 5th MUFPP Regional Forum in Africa. This event will be held from 17th to 19th July 2023, hosted by the city of Dakar, under the theme “Empowering City Officers for the Development of Food Strategies in Africa”. The forum is organized by the MUFPP Secretariat, in collaboration with Fondazione ACRA, the NGO Mani Tese, and with the support of the EU-funded project FOOD Wave, and of  AICS, the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation.

The 5th MUFPP Regional Forum in Africa will bring together city officers from MUFPP African signatory cities for a 3-days capacity building training on tools for Food Policy development, while also engaging young climate activists from European and African cities. 

The training tools have been developed with the scientific support of Politecnico of Milan, as part of Food Trails, a Horizon 2020 project, led by the city of Milan. Participants will gain valuable insights into identifying priorities and implementing actions to enhance their city’s food system. 

The forum will also provide an opportunity for development agencies, international organizations and cities officers to exchange ideas on African Urban Food Systems opportunities, existing strategies and ways forward.


The MUFPP’s commitment in Africa began right in Dakar, with the 1st Regional Forum in 2016. Since then, we have come a long way, gathering again in Brazzaville (Congo) in 2018, in Niamey (Niger) in 2019, and in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) in 2021. The tangible efforts we have made over these seven years, along with the experiences we have gained on food policies, have made us a stronger and more resilient community. With this Forum, once again, we demonstrate Milan’s commitment to continuing the dialogue and knowledge exchange necessary to transform the food systems of our cities.
Anna Scavuzzo
Vice Mayor of Milan, in charge of the Food Policy.
"Food security and sovereignty are among the main areas of action for ACRA, which has collaborated with the Municipality of Milan from the beginning to promote the MUFPP in all the countries of intervention, ensuring synergies and partnerships among various stakeholders and facilitating the participation of civil society in the process of defining and implementing inclusive and sustainable urban food policies, particularly in the African context".
Nicola Morganti
President of the ACRA Foundation
Urban and peri-urban agriculture offers significant opportunities for biodiversity conservation and integration in food systems, contributing to the creation of synergies between food and nutritional security, ecosystem services, and human well-being. In this regard, the Convention signed between the Municipality of Milan and AICS in 2022, 'for the strengthening of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact,' can positively support the involvement of African cities already engaged in urban food policies within the Agency's priority countries. The Agency recognizes the importance of urban food policies in the process of sustainable development and the key role that cities can play in strengthening food security for the population in Africa, while also facilitating the achievement of the goals of the 2030 Agenda. The goal of the Forum is to strengthen the skills and knowledge of officials from African cities, and any investment in human resources is fundamental and valuable for any other type of development, in addition to human development.
Pietro Pipi
Head of Office VI at AICS


The contribution of African cities to urban food policy development is tangible, as demonstrated by the 90 best practices presented at the 6th edition of the Milan Pact Award, resulting in six African cities receiving an award. The number and variety of practices show how cities are increasingly at the forefront in tackling global challenges such as climate change, sustainable development, poverty reduction and social inclusion. 

This is clear also looking at the landscape of blossoming projects and initiatives, such as the AfriFOODlinks project, which gathers 26 partners across the globe to improve food security and urban sustainability in more than 20 cities in Africa and Europe.  Another notable initiative is the Food Wave, an EU DEAR project that aims to engage urban youth to create awareness about sustainable approaches to consuming and producing food across 17 countries worldwide, and which contributed to the realization of this Forum, allowing 35 young activists to participate in these three days of work. 

Overall, these initiatives and the participation of African cities demonstrate the commitment to addressing food-related challenges and promoting sustainable development in urban areas. The 5th MUFPP Regional Forum in Africa will further foster collaboration and knowledge sharing to enhance food strategies and strengthen urban food systems across the continent. 

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