One of the most important goals of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP), is to stimulate the exchange of practices and learning between signatory cities. To foster this collaboration since 2016 the City of Milan and the Cariplo Foundation launched the Milan Pact Awards (MPA) with the aim of recognizing the most creative efforts and monitoring which cities were implementing the commitments they had made when they joined the pact. The awards are a means of encouraging action, facilitating the emergence of the best practices of the MUFPP cities, making them evident to the community with a function of inspiring the action of other signatory cities.
104 practices, 60 cities, 33 countries WINNERS: Washington DC (US) and Mezitli (Turkey) SPECIAL MENTIONS: GOV-Tel Aviv, SDN-Kazan, SEE-Nairobi, FP-Rio De Janeiro, FSD-Montpellier, FW-Sao Paulo
51 practices, 37 cities, 21 countries WINNERS: Ghent (Belgium) and Lima (Perù) SPECIAL MENTIONS: GOV-Wanju, SDN-Parma, SEE-Belo Horizonte, FP-Sao Paulo, FSD-Seoul, FW-Turin
53 practices, 39 cities, 27 countries WINNERS: Toronto (Canada) and Antananarivo (Madagascar) SPECIAL MENTIONS: GOV-Ede, SDN-Copenhagen, SEE-Austin, FP-Dakar, FSD-Ljubljana, FW-Bruges