Asia Pacific MUFPP Webinar

The 13th April 2021 a joint webinar was organized to promote the city participation in Asia Pacific. The region now counts 15 signatory cities, representing about 130 million people. Cities in the region are increasing their interest in urban food policy development within a context of significant urban growth. In this scenario, the Milan Pact represents a platform for spurring innovation and cooperation among cities.

This webinar was co-organized by the Italia-ASEAN Association and the MUFPP Secretariat. The Italia-ASEAN Association was founded with the aim of strengthening dialogue, knowledge and exchanges between our country and those in ASEAN. The Milan Urban Food Policy Pact is a global commitment of more than 200 mayors from around the world that considers food as an entry point for the sustainable development of growing cities. It represents the main framework for cities and international stakeholders active in the definition of innovative urban food policies for the management and governance of local food systems.

The programme started with an introduction of the Milan Pact and the Asia Pacific region, followed by a presentation from the cities of BandungMilan and Seoul on their key food policy actions. We showcased how local and global stakeholders can work together with cities through the presentation of Parahyangan Catholic University of Bandung and the European Commission. In particular the European Commission provided useful tools for cities’ action on the IURC (International Urban and Regional Cooperation), a programme of the European Union to help cities in Asia & Australasia to pair up with cities in Europe, to exchange on urban sustainability (including Food Systems), and to create lasting ties.
For any kind of information about the IURC please contact the project team at and join the info day on the 14th April at 10:00 CEST.

There was an amazing participation in the webinar. We had more then 150 registrations and 100 participants throughout 19 Asia Pacific cities from 7 countries (as you can see in the map) with officers from:
Baguio City, Bandung, Beijing, Cagayan de Oro City, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Malabon, Melbourne, Quezon City, Seoul, Shinjuku, Surakarta, Sydney, Tokyo, Tual, Wellington, Xiamen, Depok.

Slides of the webinar

Below you can find the slides of the speakers.

Filippo Gavazzeni – MUFPP – The Milan Urban Food Policy Pact and the Asia Pacific region
Andrea Magarini – City of Milan – The Milan food policy: food waste reduction and circular economy for food
Gin Gin Ginanjar – City of Bandung – The Bandung food policy: promoting urban agriculture and short supply chains
Jeong Jin Sook – City of Seoul – Innovative and inclusive governance towards a Seoul food strategy
Pius Sugeng Prasetyo – Parahyangan Catholic University – How ASEAN universities can support the development of urban food policies

Sydney new MUFPP Signatory City

During the webinar, the cities of Sydney announced that today the City Council finally decided to join the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact, thus increasing the number of signatory cities in the region, after the joining of Tokyo a few weeks ago.

From Wellington there is a strong interest in starting this process soon.

How to join the Milan Pact

If you want to know how to sign the Pact, please write to:

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