School Meals Coalition

In early 2020, school feeding programmes delivered more meals than ever before, to 388 million children, or one out of every two primary school children worldwide. This historic progress was the culmination of a decade of action by governments and their partners. Even at the record number of children reached in early 2020, 73 million […]

Seoul international urban food conference 2021

The 25th of October 2021 was held the second Seoul International Conference on Urban Food organized by Seoul municipality. Seoul is a signatory city of MUFPP and is currently representing the region of Asia Pacific in the MUFPP Steering Committee with the city of Bandung. The first one were delivered during the pandemic in 2020. […]

Exploring Food Waste Solutions: Success Stories from the U.S. and Beyond

Tomorrow the MUFPP Secretariat will join the virtual roundtable hosted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) with the title Exploring Food Waste Solutions: Success Stories from the U.S. and Beyond. This event is hosted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture with participation from interagency food loss and waste partners, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency […]

City and Local Food Systems – UNFSS Pre-Summit

The UNFSS Pre-Summit was held from the 26th to the 28th of July at FAO Headquarters in Rome, bringing together governments, delegates, representatives of youth, civil society and private sector from all around the world. The purpose of the three-day event, opened by UN Secretary-General Guterres was to lay the groundwork for the Food System […]

Asia Pacific MUFPP Webinar

The 13th April 2021 a joint webinar was organized to promote the city participation in Asia Pacific. The region now counts 15 signatory cities, representing about 130 million people. Cities in the region are increasing their interest in urban food policy development within a context of significant urban growth. In this scenario, the Milan Pact […]

#MUFPP_TLV2018: 4th Annual Gathering and Mayors Summit

The Milan Urban Food Policy Pact 4th Annual Gathering and Mayors’ Summit will be held on 4-5 September 2018 in Tel Aviv.  City officials, public administrators, policymakers, professionals and scholars from 172 cities worldwide will meet to enhance and develop collaborations in the spirit of the Milan Pact. #MUFPP_TLV2018 will be hosted by the Tel Aviv Museum […]

Feasibility study on school nutrition service

Implementation and management of the School Nutrition Service in the Municipalities of Maputo and Pemba in Mozambique The Feasibility study for the introduction of the school nutrition system is integrated within the broader “Particidade” project financed by the Italian Agency for Cooperation and development AICS, involving the Municipalities of Milan, of Maputo, Pemba and Reggio […]

2020 MUFPP Regional Webinars

In light of the absence of MUFPP Regional Fora this year, and following the discussion during the SC online meeting held on 14 May 2020

1 year after the MUFPP Latin-American forum

One year ago, Mayor Marcelo Crivella inaugurated the First Regional Forum of Latin-American Signatory Cities of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact. Held at the Museum of Art of Rio (MAR), from May 29 to 31, 2019, Mayor Crivella presented the main projects that the City Hall has been working to offer safe, diversified, affordable, […]

Milan Pact Talks on food aid

The COVID-19 emergency has shown that once again cities are at the front line to ensure assistance to their citizens in many fields. In particular, cities had to face not only a public health crisis but also a food security crisis as urban food systems have been severely hit by this external shock.  The situation created by […]