Ouagadougou 2021

Ouagadougou 2021

Burkina Faso

4th MUFPP Regional Forum in Africa

The 4th Regional Forum of the MUFPP in Africa has been hosted by the city of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, on 15-18 February, 2021.

Those four days of exchanges and meetings saw the participation of more than 70 people online and about 50 people in person in Ouagadougou. Representatives from 25 MUFPP cities took part to the event, 22 of which were African and 3 European. In particular, the cities of Accra, Agadez, Bamako, Bobo- Dioulasso, Dakar, Gaya, Kmosliga, Komki-Ipala, Loumbila, N’Djamena, Niamey, Ouagadougou, Pabrè, Pointe Noire, Quelimane participated in presence, while the cities of Abidjan, Antananarivo, Douala, Kigali, Lusaka, Maputo and Nairobi participated online, as well as Barcellona, Milan and Turin.  

The event was the occasion for city’s officers to discuss on urban food policies, with presentation by 9 cities (Accra, Bamako, Bobo-Dioulasso, Douala, Lusaka, N’Djamena, Nairobi, Niamey, Ouagadougou) on their progresses and good practices of food policies, presentations about cities’ responses of food policy offices to the challenges posed by Covid-19, the “CRFS, Assessment of City Region Food Systems Vulnerability to Climate Change and Pandemics” by RUAF and FAO, a dedicated panel by MUFPP Secretariat,GAIN, IPES-Food on upcoming food-related international policy processes 2021 (such as UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS), COP26, Nutrition for Growth Summit) and a panel dedicated to the theme of challenges and opportunities around food waste in cities.

A session was dedicated to a round table discussion to explore perspectives, current and future programmes, collaboration and activities, both at the local/regional and international level, of partners and potential donors in the field of urban food systems. The aim was to connect those organisations with cities so to ease future partnerships and cooperation and to inform further synergies.

The Forum has been the occasion also for the drafting of the Ouagadougou Declaration

On 15 February delegates took part to a field visit to learn about good practices from the City of Ouagadougou.

The whole Forum had a focus on youth and the role of young people.

Here you can find all the presentations shown and discussed during the Forum.
