The 4th Annual Gathering and Mayors’ Summit of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact took place on 3-5 September 2018 in Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art.
On 3 September a series of thematic workshops were delivered, aimed at introducing food policies and practical tools for those cities approaching for the first time to food policy. The forum opened with welcoming remarks by institutions and the mayors’ debate, while the afternoon was dedicated to parallel sessions for the discussion of themes such as healthy and sustainable nutrition; green innovation and sustainable urban procurement; resilient cities and food security on a community level.
On the third day, the MUFPP Monitoring Framework and its 42 related indicators, resulting from the collaboration between FAO, RUAF Foundation and the MUFPP Secretariat have been presented. Selected cities presented their experience in participating to the process and implementation.
Then was presented the publication “The role of cities in the transformation of food systems: lessons from Milan Pact Cities”. The fifty compiled food policies and practices are a representative sample from the 157 submissions to the Milan Pact Awards 2016, 2017 and 2018 editions. Emerging trends, actors and issues on urban food practices are explored through presentations from cities. This study is published by FAO, EStà-Economia e Sostenibilità and the MUFPP Secretariat.
The Gathering in Tel Aviv was also the occasion for the Milan Pact Awards ceremony, held with the support of Fondazione Cariplo, as well as a a Mayors’ reception, a social dinner at Sarona Market and a field visit at Innovation Boulevard.