The city of Baltimore won the first Milan Pact Awards (Highest Score Award) for the Baltimore food policy initiative (BFPI). In 2010 mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake dcided to hire a food policy director to enhance collaboration among city’s agency to achieve two main goals:
1. Establish Baltimore as a leader in sustainable local food systems
2. Address health, economic and environmental disparities by increasing access to healthy affordable food in Baltimore City’s food deserts
In order to accomplish these goals, in 2010, the Food Policy Director created the Baltimore Food Policy Initiative (BFPI), a formal collaboration between the Department of Planning, Office of Sustainability, Health Department, and Baltimore Development Corporation to address the problems of access to healthy affordable food and sustainable food systems.
In the past six years, BFPI has transformed a set of food systems recommendations into action and has used that momentum to create a movement much bigger than just one City agency, establishing Baltimore as a national leader and model for governance structure.
Watch the video with the acceptance speech of mayor Rawlings-Blake