Results of the election of the 3rd MUFPP Steering Committee
Oven a half of MUFPP signatory cities has voted for the 3rd Steering Committee. Discover the new members on the different geographic regions.
How food can be the key to a long-term climate change solution
During the EAT Forum 2019, the C40 City Group presented an innovative report related to the measurement of urban emissions. The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5° World, produced in collaboration with the University of Leeds and Arup, puts urban consumption of goods, food and materials at the centre of the analysis of emissions […]
The narrative report on the role of Milan Pact cities in the transformation of food systems
The Role Of Cities In The Transformation Of Food Systems: Sharing Lessons From Milan Pact Cities is a new narrative report released by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP) and EStà – Economia e Sostenibilità research centre, about the evolving food policy and practice as […]
The Role of Cities in the Transformation of Food Systems: Lessons from Milan Pact Cities
A new report to explore city food practices selected among the 157 submitted to the Milan Pact Awards (MPA) in the 2016 – 2017 – 2018 editions is soon to be released by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP) and EStà – Economia e Sostenibilità […]
Food Smart Cities for Development recommendations and good practices
All the cities partners of Food Smart Cities for Development project contributed to drafting the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact, which was adopted in October 2015. In 2016 Cities and CSOs participating in FSC4D decided to broaden the scope of the initial MUFPP Framework for Action by including further recommendations, with a specific focus on food governance, […]
The World of MUFPP: Mexico City winner of the Milan Pact Awards for the community dining rooms programme
Mexico City won the Milan Pact Awards (Challenging environment) for the Community Dining Rooms Programme established by the government of Mexico City in 2009 in order to ensure universal access to healthy, nutritious meals at affordable prices (10 MXN equivalents to 0.52 USD). The dining rooms are set up in areas with very high, high and […]
The City of Milan and Eurocities win project to map innovative food strategies
The City of Milan and Eurocities in collaboration with the academic expert Roberta Sonnino (Cardiff University) won a EU funded project on ” Innovation for a sustainable and health production, delivery and consumption of food in cities”. The study will start on January 2017 and during 8 months it will concentrate on mapping the food strategies […]
Leading experts on food policy explain the significance of the MUFPP
What is the meaning of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact signed in on 15th October 2015? Here are the answers by two leading experts on food policies. “The Pact’s objective is broadly simple: better collaboration to shape resilient, sustainable local food supply chains and good food cultures, living within environmental limits. Across political divides, […]