During the EAT Forum 2019, the C40 City Group presented an innovative report related to the measurement of urban emissions. The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5° World, produced in collaboration with the University of Leeds and Arup, puts urban consumption of goods, food and materials at the centre of the analysis of emissions from global cities and recognises a prominent role to these cities in the fight against climate change.
According to the report, emissions generated by urban consumption in 100 major cities account for 10% of global emissions. Food is one of the 6 drivers identified by C40 Cities with high potential to reduce emissions from urban consumption. In 2017, food consumption was responsible for about 13% of the total emissions produced in cities belonging to the C40 network. In this context, actions aimed at reducing the climate impact of urban food consumption could cut emissions by 31-37% by the year 2030. These actions specifically refer to a change in individual diets, a reduction in household food waste and a decrease in waste along the supply chain.
Many of 193 MUFPP cities have developed urban food systems apt to reduce emissions. Milan, the chair of the MUFPP, has committed to solving these issues, promoting healthy and sustainable diets through school catering. Cities are leading the way to a more sustainable future, and food can be the key to a long-term climate change solution.
Join the Webinar “MUFPP Approach to Food Action on Climate”
Join us on February 26th at 15:00 CET for the