Thanks to the leadership of the city of Seoul, Steering Committee representative for Asia Pacific, a meeting among cities from South Korea was held on Wednesday 18th May. The MUFPP Secretariat and cities from the Republic of South Korea joined forces to carry a much-needed conversation on food policy and how joining the Milan Pact would greatly benefit their work on achieving more sustainable urban food systems.
The webinar started off with a brief introduction on the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact, highlighting Seoul’s leadership as a member of the MUFPP Steering Committee, followed by showcasing all the activities developed in the region, such as the MUFPP & IURC Asia Pacific Food Policy Training webinar series.
A great space was dedicated to this year’s Milan Pact Awards and the approaching deadline, the potential new cities interested in joining the network were also made aware of the opportunity to take active part in this great initiative.
We can’t wait to welcome new South Korean cities in the Pact!