2020 MUFPP Global Forum cancellation


On October 2019, the city of Mérida in Yucatan, México, has been voted by the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact Steering Committee to become the first city in Latin America to host the 2020 MUFPP Global Forum, which brings together more than 200 cities around the world seeking to achieve more sustainable, fair, resilient and climate-friendly urban food systems.

We are proud that our Merida, the most peaceful city in Mexico, the one with the highest quality of Iife in the American continent, has been voted to host this important event that seeks to use food policies as a leverage to work on other urban challenges, such as poverty, health, social protection, hygiene, sanitation, land use planning, transport and trade, as well as energy and education.

However, aware of the situation we are all living in because of the COVID-19, declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organization, we are forced to cancel this Forum. This is an act of responsibility towards our citizens and all participants. Applying the current health protocols and helping our citizens in need, are the most important and urgent things to do.

On behalf of all the people of Merida, I want to thank MUFPP cities and Steering Committee for their interest in Mérida to be the organizer of this world. event, deeply regretting the cancellation of said meeting due to the health situation worldwide.

At the same time, I am confident that in the future we will have the opportunity to retake this important Global Forum in our city in the form and circumstances that we all want.

Meanwhile, Mérida will continue to work hand in hand with the Secretariat of the Milan Pact developing sustainable, resilient, safe and diversified food systems as part of its strategic food axes and as the main objective of the Milan Pact of which we are proudly part.

With my highest esteem and my greatest thanks



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