The fourth recap of the 7th MUFPP Global Forum, that took place between 19-21 October in Barcelona, will focus on the plenary session The BCN Challenge and on the parallel sessions Tools for tracking food system transformation: The MUFPP Monitoring Framework and related approaches and The Cities Pledge on Food Justice – A response to the lessons of food insecurity during the pandemic.
The BCN Challenge
As the Forum’s title suggests, the focus of all the events has been the food-climate nexus. Within this context, on the 20th was held an informative session on the Barcelona Challenge for Good Food and Climate.
Drawing on the C40 Good Food Declaration and the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact Framework for Action, the Barcelona Challenge is a call for cities and their citizens to engage in a series of commitments related to the transformation of their food systems in order to tackle the climate emergency. The Barcelona Challenge wants to address two key issues: the mitigation of and adaptation to the climate emergency, through a commitment to transform local agri-food systems to ensure access to sufficient, sustainable, healthy and nutritious diets for all, therefore preventing food vulnerability and enhancing food justice. Plus, it provides a platform to showcase the commitment and leadership of cities on the food-climate nexus.
Tools for tracking food system transformation: The MUFPP Monitoring Framework and related approaches
Another important session was the one co-organized by RUAF and FAO on the tools that cities can use in the development of their food strategies to assess data and monitor their impact. One of them is, of course, the new MUFPP Monitoring Framework Handbook and Resource Pack, that provides practical steps, simple tools, top tips and a methodology for any cities wishing to adopt and implement a monitoring framework, tailored to their own context and reflecting MUFPP recommendations.
The session saw the participation of a variety of cities (Antananarivo, New Haven, Shanghai, Quito) sharing their perspective on the implementation of a monitoring framework as well as experts in the field telling us about the benefits of using such resources.
The Cities Pledge on Food Justice – A response to the lessons of food insecurity during the pandemic
A whole session was dedicated to the lessons learned by cities after the disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Representatives from Birmingham, Bergamo, Johannesburg and São Paulo shared their experience in facing food insecurity, in particular after the outbreak of the pandemic.
It was also the occasion of the launch of the new Cities Pledge on Food Justice to bring together city leaders’ voice and to call for action and take leadership on the right to food. The aim is to create an environment of shared and best practices among municipalities to better design policies, to increase pro-poor and pro-vulnerable investments, to develop an improved governance and to provide an evidence based support.
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