2019 Report Milan Pact Awards

This report intends to share the results of the 2019 edition of the Milan Pact Awards, a joint initiative of the City of Milan and the Cariplo Foundation. The Milan Pact Awards were launched in 2016, as a contribution to the activities of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP). This 4th edition was the most participated by the MUFPP cities, doubling the applications received in the previous years.

One of the most important goals of the Milan Pact is to foster the exchange of practices and learning between signatory cities.
The Milan Pact Awards seek to be an innovative tool to support cities’ efforts to strengthen urban food systems. The recognition and prominence that comes with conferring awards is key to catalyse change between cities that are more experienced and cities that are just beginning to work in the area of food.

The report explores the aims of the MPA, the main outcomes of the 2019 edition in terms of contents and geographical participation, the composition of the evaluation committee and the evaluation process. To further deepen all the practices submitted, please visit the dedicated page on MUFPP website.

Enjoy the reading!