The Milan Pact counts today over 280 signatory cities, representing a total of 490 million inhabitants distributed over the 6 MUFPP regions. Based on the assumption that cities face similar challenges and seek appropriate solutions for their specific geographical and socio-economic contexts, the Milan Pact has created dedicated spaces to promote regionalisation process.
The first task of the new Steering Committee, elected in September 2023, was to draft the leadership plan, a document setting objectives for each MUFPP region for the 2 years ahead. This action plan aims to identify joint activities, challenges and goals to be achieved during the mandate.
The 6 leadership plans converge in the MUFPP Regionalisation Process Action Plan, which has the aim of providing a general overview of the regional processes that the MUFPP Secretariat and the Steering Committee representative aim to develop over the 2023-2025 mandate.