MUFPP Mayors of Central and West Africa will meet in Brazzaville from 12 to 14 June
The cities of Abidjan, Bobo-Dioulasso, Dakar, Douala, N’Djamena, Niamey, Nouakchott, Praia, Yaounde and their host city, Brazzaville, will meet, from 12 to 14 June 2018, for the Forum of MUFPP Mayors of Central and Western Africa. Local governments are increasingly being recognized as key players in the sustainability and resilience of local food systems, especially […]
Side Event at High Level FOOD2030 Event on “SUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEMS FOR CITIES”
The Milan Pact and European project FIT4FOOD2030 are pleased to present the Side Event – Sustainable Food Systems fod Cities of the High Level FOOD2030 Event in Plovdiv (Bulgaria), an interactive opportunity to explore selected Research and Innovation (R&I) cases within Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP) cities. During the event participants will investigate cases and […]